
Refereed Talks

Two Great Ideas about Chance: Between Symmetries and Best Systems (joint with Krzysztof Mierzewski), PSA 2024, Symposium on Algorithmic Randomness in Philosophy of Science, New Orleans (11/2024)

Bayesian Randomness (joint with Simon Huttegger and Sean Walsh), Formal Epistemology Workshop 2024, Australian National University (07/2024)

Pride and Probability, 2024 APA Pacific Division Meeting, Portland (03/2024)

Bayesian randomness (joint with Simon Huttegger and Sean Walsh), 2023 APA Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco (04/2023)

Learning from data: The secret to success (Joint GAP-GWP Symposium, with Konstantin Genin and Tom Sterkenburg), GWP.2022: The Fourth International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science, Technische Universität Berlin (08/2022)

Merging, polarisation and algorithmic randomness, PROGIC 2021: The Tenth Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (09/2021)

Algorithmic randomness, Bayesian convergence and merging, TARK 2021: The 18th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Tsinghua University, Beijing (06/2021)

Algorithmic randomness and Bayesian merging of opinions (poster), Formal Epistemology Workshop 2020, University of California, Irvine (05/2020)

Schnorr randomness and Lévy’s Upward Theorem, 13th International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2018), Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago de Chile (12/2018)

The Modal Logics of the Poison Game (joint with Krzysztof Mierzewski), 4th Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL 2018), Tsinghua University, Beijing (10/2018)

The Learning Power of Belief-revision Policies for Non-omniscient Agents, Formal Epistemology Workshop 2016, University of Groningen (06/2016), and GIRLS16@LUND Conference, University of Lund (04/2016)

The Emergence of Proto-Inference through the Dynamics of Evolution and Learning, 25th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Student Session, University of Düsseldorf (08/2013)

Invited Talks

Between Symmetries and Best Systems, The Jowett Society, University of Oxford (03/2025)

How to de-idealize: Computability and Imprecision, EPIMP Concluding Conference 2024, University of Bristol (12/2024)

Pride and Probability (Plenary talk), WoLLIC 2024: The 30th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation, University of Bern, Switzerland (06/2024)

Modestly Certain, Berkeley Bounded Rationality Workshop, University of California, Berkeley (05/2024)

Co-meagre Convergence to the Truth, ICICL-Summer Research Conference, Iowa Colloquium on Information, Complexity, and Logic (ICICL), Drake University (05/2024)

Randomness, effective disintegrations, and convergence to the truth (Plenary talk), CCR 2024: The 17th International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness, Nagoya, Japan (03/2024)

Algorithmic Randomness Meets Philosophy of Science, 2024 APA Central Division Meeting, special session on “Why Philosophers Should Care About Algorithmic Randomness”, New Orleans (02/2024)

What’s New in Randomness? (joint with Simon Huttegger), CLMPST 2023: 17th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, “What’s New in Formal Epistemology?” Session, Buenos Aires (07/2023)

Randomness and Invariance, 2023 ICICL-Summer Research Conference (05/2023), ASL North American Annual Meeting, University of California, Irvine (03/2023) and Online Logic Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Southern Illinois University (12/2022)

Pride and Probability, Logic and Philosophy of Science Interest Group Talk, Philosophy Department, University of Toronto (05/2023), Formal Rationality Forum (04/2023), and Logic Seminar, Center for Logic, Language and Cognition, Peking University (03/2023)

Merging of opinions for computable Bayesian agents (Plenary talk), SIU Probability and Statistics Conference, Southern Illinois University (10/2022)

Learning and Chances for Computable Bayesian Agents, Workshop on Learning, Randomness, and Complexity, Center for Formal Epistemology, Carnegie Mellon University (10/22)

Randomness as the stable satisfaction of minimal randomness conditions, Pittsburgh Formal Epistemology Workshop (PFEW), Center for Formal Epistemology, Carnegie Mellon University (09/22)

Algorithmic randomness and Bayesian epistemology, SEALS 2022: South Eastern Logic Symposium 2022, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida (03/2022)

Algorithmic randomness and Bayesian convergence, Midwest Computability Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago (12/21)

Wald randomness and learning-theoretic randomness, presented at the LUCI Lunch Seminar Series, Milano Logic Group, Department of Philosophy, University of Milan (11/21) and at the Pittsburgh Formal Epistemology Workshop (PFEW), Center for Formal Epistemology, Carnegie Mellon University (10/21)

Learning-theoretic randomness, UPenn Philosophy of Computation and Data Reading Group (06/2021)

Weak merging of opinions for computationally limited agents, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa) Seminar, ILLC, University of Amsterdam (05/2021), and LSE/Bristol/Michigan/Irvine Formal Rationality Forum (05/2021)

Algorithmic randomness and Bayesian merging of opinions, presented at the Foundations of Probability Seminar, Rutgers University (11/2020), at the Workshop on the Foundations, Applications & Theory of Inductive Logic, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (02/2020), and at the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Seminar, University of California, Irvine (03/2020)

Algorithmic randomness, convergence to the truth, and epistemic immodesty, Formal Epistemology Reading Course (FERC), University of California, Berkeley (09/2020)

Algorithmic randomness and Bayesian learning for computable agents, presented at the Philosophy Department (invited colloquium), Carnegie Mellon University (02/2019), and at the Philosophy Department (invited colloquium), University of Groningen (02/2020)

Algorithmic randomness and Bayesian convergence to the truth, presented at the Logic Seminar, University of Melbourne (04/2019), and at the Philosophy Department (invited colloquium), University of Groningen (01/2019)

Algorithmic randomness, learning theory and the foundations of probability, presented as part of the Philosophy of Science, etc. (PoSe) Lecture Series, Philosophy Department, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (10/2018)

A learning-theoretic characterisation of Martin-Löf randomness, presented at the Berkeley-Stanford Circle in Logic and Philosophy, San Francisco (06/2018) and at the Topics in Scientific Philosophy Workshop, University of California, Irvine (02/2018)

Algorithmic randomness and learning, presented at the Logic and Philosophy of Science Department (invited colloquium), University of California, Irvine (02/2018)

Algorithmic randomness and computable learners, presented at the 5th CSLI Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Intelligent Interaction, Stanford University (05/2016) and at the Probability and Randomness Seminar, Logic and Philosophy of Science Department, University of California, Irvine

The Learning Power of Explicit Belief Revision, presented at the Topics in Logic, Information and Agency Seminar, Philosophy Department, Stanford University (04/2015)


Comments on Snow Zhang and Alexander Meehan’s “Kolmogorov Conditionalizers Can Be Dutch Booked (If and Only If They Are ‘Evidentially Uncertain’)”, Formal Epistemology Workshop 2020, University of California, Irvine (05/2020)

Comments on Chloé de Canson’s “Salience and the Sure-Thing Principle”, Athena in Action Workshop 2018, Princeton University (06/2018)

Comments on Hanti Lin’s “Modes of Convergence to the Truth: Steps toward a Better Epistemology of Induction”, Formal Epistemology Workshop 2018, University of Toronto (06/2018)